“Dress A Girl” Reaches Out To KEEP

Our budding “fashionistas” and models and doctors and engineers and lawyers and nurses and scientists.

You name it, they can be it. They dream it, they can be it.

Recently girls at an orphanage that we support were surprised with a barrel of beautifully and lovingly made dresses sent to them from an organization in the USA called “Dress A Girl”.

Dress A Girl provides hand made dresses for young girls all over the world by the Wesleyan Women and these dresses were sent to Liberia by the California Wesleyan Women.

KEEP’s very supportive parter from day 1, Mrs. Evita Grove Johnson is part of this organisation and remembered the girls we work with and sent us one barrel of dresses for them.

As you can see, the girls were ecstatic and wasted no time in trying on their new outfits and doing a mini modelling competition.

Thanks so much for the support Evita and the Weslyn women

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